Anyways, so I began searching Pinterest and found some great printables that fit the theme I was looking at...You are my Sunshine - a song that my mom always sang to me.
I found these at
I was feeling creative and thought that I could paint something. So I got out my supplies.
Supplies include:
* Paint - yellow, red, orange, gray, white
* Scissors
* Paint brushes (the thinner the better)
* Print out of the outlines of the words
* Chalk - yes chalk
I was curious if there was any better way to paint the words onto the canvas versus just free-styling the words. I found this blog that had some great tips.
And this is where the chalk comes in. Once you print the outline of the words on the computer, you rub chalk on the back of it.
Then you put the chalk face down on the canvas where you want to have the word. I tried to use yellow chalk and it didn't show up on the canvas. Use a pen and trace the letter. The chalk comes off onto the canvas.
Can you see the outline?
Then you can go ahead and paint it. I would recommend not painting on the inside of the lines, but the outside of the lines to make sure it's all covered.
After doing a bit of this, I wasn't sure if it was the best way since I could still see some of the chalk on the parts I wasn't going to paint. I then tried to use pencil...paint doesn't totally cover the gray of the pencil. So honestly, I free-painted the rest, but I think if I had more patience...this would have been a good method.
Here's how it turned out:
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