Tuesday, October 2, 2012

New Blog Topic: The Joy of Pinterest

Well once again, I have realized that I am horrible with the blogging. It's just not in my nature...and I don't think it will ever be. BUT...you want to know what I have realized...that I freakin' love Pinterest. I mean, I could get lost looking at that site for hours. And that is a problem. I may need a Pintervention soon, but until that point, I am going to share some of the things that I have found and actually made on Pinterest. This way we can see if these wonderful things actually work or if the people who post them are really too talented for all of us.

First on my list - October means Halloween and you can never have too many Halloween decorations. So I saw this little gem and thought, this can't be too hard right?

So the one thing that I don't LOVE about Pinterest is that people can post pictures of awesome and super cute things without the instructions on how to really make the item....

So here are the instructions (ps...I didn't take pictures as I was making this because I was running around making sure that my one year old didn't spill the paint)

Materials Needed:
* Orange Plate - I found mine at the Dollar Store
* White Paint
* Paint Brush - I used a foam one and a thin brush
* Black Sharpie Marker
* Orange Glitter Puffy Paint (enhancement)
* Small Child with feet

1. Depending on the age of the child, you will want to make sure that they are in some area where they can't run away and get paint on the floor. I strapped mine in his high chair - he couldn't get away even if he wanted to. 

2. Paint one of the child's feet with the white paint.

3. Press foot on plate - I brought the plate to the foot versus having the child step on the plate, You will see that the foot print isn't super clear, but it gets the job done. 

4. Clean off that foot.

5. Re-peat steps 2-4 with the other foot. Or use another child's foot if you have more than one kid.

6. Out line the feet with a thin white line - I would recommend using a white paint pen, if you have one, but I didn't so I used the paint...I think the paint pen would have make a cleaner line like in the example above.

6. Let the paint dry. I let it dry overnight. 

7. Use a black sharpie to write on the ceramic plate. You can then make eyes and a mouth on the "ghosts" too. Now, this is when the paint wore off a little and got stuck on the marker, so just take your time with this step. 

8. Enhance with orange glitter. 

9. There are some sites that have a similar project that discusses "setting" the marker by heating it in the oven, but I was unsure how the paint would react to it, so I am not going to do that. But feel free to experiment. 

Cost: $1
I had all of the other materials around the house.

Here's how mine turned out. 

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