Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Fishy Fishy

I have been searching and searching for quiet books and quiet activities for C to start playing with when we are out. Quiet books are online for $50. I am not spending that much on something that I could make. But I continue to struggle to find the exact activities that I want as well as ones that don't require a sewing machine. I may be crafty...but I have limited sewing skills.

Anyways, I found this adorable activity on Doodle Craft

So I went to work...and here's what I came up with. Honestly, it probably cost $5 to make 1 whole game. Make sure to use your crafting coupons :). My one suggestion would be to pick felt pieces that are a little darker in shade because you can see the magnets through the yellow and light orange felt.

Materials needed:
* Felt - Various colors
* Magnets (enough for two magnets per fish, plus some for the fishing pole)
* Scissors
* Glue gun
* Dowel rods
* String
* Glitter Glue (optional)

 Cut out 2 fish per color and glue the magnets in the head and tail of the fish. Glue the other side of the fish to make little fishy magnets.

 Add some glitter glue to add some scales to your fish.

I then took string and attached it to the dowel rod and glued the magnets to the end of the string and ta-da...a cute little game. I showed it to him today and he loved it. Now, I have to tuck it away for our trips so that he doesn't get bored with it.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Let's Catch Up

So since I just posted about Valentine's day, let's just keep the ball rollin since who knows when the next time I will post will be. December was full of baking yummy things and experimenting with all of the fun ideas found on Pinterest like these from Not So Idle Hands

They were actually pretty easy to make.

I actually bought the mini candy canes (which were on sale). Put them on a wax-paper lined cookie sheet in the heart shape and then just piped in some melted chocolate. Sprinkle with any colored surgar you have hanging around. Let it set. And ta-da, you have a cute little gift.

Here's how mine turned out:

I also had some chocolate left over and so I also piped some trees on the paper and used them as decoration on a chocolate cake (my Nana's famous chocolate cake).

I got lots of compliments. Enjoy!

Valentine's Day Healthy Treat

First, I realize that it is now March, but let's be real, I have an 18 month old and literally this is first time that I have downloaded my pictures since February.

Now, I was a bad mom last year and sent my kid to day care without Valentine treats for his little friends. He came home with all sorts of snacks and treats which of course mommy enjoyed. Well I would not make the same mistake this year. But of course everything is sugary candy...which of course, I love, but I also want to teach little C a little better eating habits. So I thought and searched for cute valentines on Pinterest.

I found some pretty cute ones. But realized that I liked these the best from

Tutto Bella Blog

It also helped that I had Cuties on hand and baby C loves them. I think he would eat 20 of them in one sitting if he could.

So based on these little cuties, I came up with this:

I had the bags left over from my wedding stuff and used a little bit of scrap paper. But really any little baggie could do.

Huge hit with the kiddies at the daycare. I even brought the extras to work with me and people seemed to like to change from the candy.